A classic edging plant making neat mounds of foliage 4 - 5 inches high and 8 inches across. Pale blue, fluffy flowers all summer. Best in full sun. Good for edging and containers
Early hardy bedding ready from late April Tender bedding available mid May
A classic edging plant making neat mounds of foliage 4 - 5 inches high and 8 inches across. Pale blue, fluffy flowers all summer. Best in full sun. Good for edging and containers
Pure white flowers Ideal edging for borders Height 3– 4 inches Spread 10 inches For full sun
Upright spikes of yellow throated orange “snapdragon” flowers. Height 18 inches Spread 10 inches. A relatively hardy annual that benefits from an early planting and can put on a show right through to the first frosts. Remove spent flower spikes during the season
Upright spikes of deep crimson “snapdragon” flowers. Height 18 inches Spread 10 inches. A relatively hardy annual that benefits from an early planting and can put on a show right through to the first frosts. Remove spent flower spikes during the season
Upright spikes of rich pink “snapdragon” flowers. Height 18 inches Spread 10 inches. A relatively hardy annual that benefits from an early planting and can put on a show right through to the first frosts. Remove spent flower spikes during the season
Upright spikes of pure white “snapdragon” flowers. Height 18 inches Spread 10 inches. A relatively hardy annual that benefits from an early planting and can put on a show right through to the first frosts. Remove spent flower spikes during the season
Upright spikes of yellow “snapdragon” flowers. Height 18 inches Spread 10 inches. A relatively hardy annual that benefits from an early planting and can put on a show right through to the first frosts. Remove spent flower spikes during the season
Mixed colours, taller fluffy flowered type
A dwarf bedding mixture, all with dark bronze leaves in MIXED, WHITE and PINK.
Green leafed range include red, rose, pinks and white. Good in full sun where they will keep to 6-8 inches tall but are excellent in full shade where they will get taller.
Available mixed or separate colours and also mixed leaf colour. Please indicate leaf colour as green, dark or mixed.
Large double flowered begonias in a wide colour range. Upright in habit — 12 inches high and across. Flowering is continuous right through till the first frosts. For sun or shade. Excellent for containers and baskets. Do not allow to dry out if planting in full sun
Trailing Begonias in a wide mix of colours including reds, pinks, white salmon and apricot. Large double flowers on pendulous stems. Plants have a cascading habit over time and can reach 2 feet in length. Flowers continuously until the first frosts, whatever the weather.
Same as Non Stop but these all have dark foliage. Upright in habit 12 inches high and across. Flowering is continuous right through till the first frosts. For sun or shade. Excellent for containers and baskets. Do not allow to dry out if planting in full sun
Striking silver leaves with finely cut foliage. Adds interest in any colour scheme. Bushy habit, 12-15 inches high for sun or shade. Hardy in most winters and so can be planted out early in the season with the Antirrhinums, Stocks and other early bedding
For a sun lover, this annual stood up remarkably well considering the weather in recent summers (picture is early August in the Trials Garden). Large, 2 inch single flowers in pink, white and deep pink above finely cut feathery foliage. Height 12-15 inches Spread 10-12 inches
Sonata White, Apollo Love Song, Lemon and Razzamatazz
A semi dwarf bedding dahlia with large single flowers in a wide colour range Excellent flower power whatever the weather if kept dead headed. Height and spread eventually 15 x 12 inches
A dwarf bedding dahlia with a wide colour range of double and semi double flowers. Excellent flower power whatever the weather if kept dead headed. Height and spread eventually 12 x 12 inches
A wide range of colours, many not available separately including bi-colours and stripes. For full sun . Regular feeding and dead heading will ensure all summer colour. Height and spread 12x 12 inches
Large, 3 inch single daisies, cream with a rose pink stripe. Plant in full sun in good garden soil, give a little liquid feed and they will flower non-stop.
NEW 2020 Large, 3 inch single daisies, a mix of pinks and pink with stripes,. Plant in full sun in good garden soil, give a little liquid feed and they will flower non-stop.
Large, 3 inch single daisy in mixed colours on bushy, neat, plants all with silver foliage. 10 inches high . Plant in full sun in good garden soil, give a little liquid feed and they will flower non-stop.
Large, flat heads of countless violet blue flowers on dwarf bushy plants about 12 inches high. Highly scented, like a fresh baked “cherry pie” which is what the Americans call it. Attractive bronzed foliage. Remove the whole flower head when finished and they will bloom till late October. Full sun.
A wide range of compact bush Lobelia is grown at the nursery including pale blue "Cambridge blue", dark blue "Crystal Palace" white, crimson and lilac. Never allow compost to dry out with all lobelias
A mainstay of containers and hanging baskets, trailing Lobelia comes in light blue, deep blue, white, red lilac or mixed colours. Never allow compost to dry out with all lobelias
Lower growing french marigolds in single or double flowered forms, separate or mixed colours. Ideal front of the border plant and for mass plantings. For full sun
In 7 varieties Orange, Yellow, Red, Durango Mixed, Strawberry Blonde, Zenith Mixed, Bee Bi-colour.
available MID May